Friday 18 January 2013

Be My Princess - Main Route (5/5)

Hoho~ Last part before choosing a prince...

The days of preparation flew by and before I hardly knew what had happened, the day of the collection's release had arrived.

Feeling energy bubbling up inside of me, I grasped the clothes rack and sprang forward through the crowds. I was too excited until I did not look where I was going. I slipped on the staircase and felt myself falling. I automatically squeeze my eyes shut and a low voice shouted out.

Instead of the hard shock I had been expecting, I landed in a strong pair of arms. I slowly opened my eyes and there was an unexpected face only inches from mine.

People are pushing to get a glimpse of Prince Joshua.

P.Joshua suddenly grab ma and ran. He finally let us stop once we had reached an abandoned corridor.


Me, 'You must love Jean Pierre's designs to be here then...'

What kind of reaction is that? Is he embarrassed to admit it? I hardly think it's that embarrassing to like a famous brand... But it's kind of funny... This is the first time I've seen Prince Joshua makes an expression like that...

'Or you'll never be able to capture her heart, silly Josh.'

P.Roberto, 'Yet here you are having a clandestine meeting with her in a place like this... Apparently we shouldn't underestimate you, Mr Suave.'

Me, 'If you all don't mind me asking... what are you all doing here?'

P.Roberto, 'We are always invited to Jean Pierre's collections. After all, Jean Pierre designs for all of the big royal families. Speaking of which, where's Wilfred?'

As I peered around them, I saw another figure lurking behind Prince Roberto and the others. Is it just me or is he avoiding my eyes?

The man would not allow P.Roberto to slip past him. This stranger heaved a great sigh and gave P.Roberto a chilly look. 

Then he turned to P.Edward. 'I'm sorry that it has been so long, Prince Edward. Normally I would have been happy to come and visit you myself but I can't let my eyes off of Prince Roberto for even a second without him getting into trouble.'

As Prince Roberto and Alberto eyed one another testily, I saw another man appear beyond them.

 He walked away with P.Edward.

P.Edward, 'Until we meet again.'

Me, 'Until then, Prince Edward.'

Then he said to me, 'Anyway, good luck with the show! Tell Jean I said hi.' He dashed away and Alberto ran after him, leaving P.Joshua and I alone in the hallway.

He walked away and someone else appeared.

An awkward air hung between us as he tried to avoid my gaze. He looked at me with an awkward expression.

P.Glenn, 'This is fine, Yu. I'll go the rest of the way by myself.'

We both started talking at the same time and then both clamped our mouth shut simultaneously.

Urg... Things seem even more awkward... We chatted for quite a bit and then he walked away.

Time for the show to start. I peeped out and saw the six princes sitting at the front row.

I squeezed my hand into a fist and headed for my place in the staging area. I helped the model get into their outfits and spend the rest of my time trying to get everybody to stick with the schedule and the show flew by.

When the show finished, the audiences applauded. I sent J.Pierre and the others into the waves of applause. I happened to look at the front row and I saw that even the princes were clapping their hands for our collection. I never imagined that so many people will applaud my work... Even the royalty...

The after party

Standing between the rows of people was Prince Wilfred.

 ^Prince Joshua.

I continued listening to their conversation until my eyes happened to meet with P.Keith's.

They wondered who was the designer and I said that it was me.

 He would be honored to...

M.Pierre took me aside.

The next day.

 Pierre have been accused of copying designs from another firm. It was Asami's doing.

'We will continue to provide financial support during this period and try to repair our reputation. But if any of you feels uneasy about the future, we would not blame you for seeking employment elsewhere. We wish you best of luck and thank you for your years of service,' Pierre said.

I walked home and reached my apartment. I checked the letterbox and inside was an envelope made of snowy white paper. All that was written inside was an address and a single line of text :

The only thing I could process was the signature scrawled beneath that brief message.


I chose Prince Wilfred. =D

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