Friday 11 January 2013

Be My Princess X'mas - Prince Glenn

Here goes Prince Glenn's part~ I love Alan so much! (Why is there no route for Alan..?) Anyway, enjoy~


     I stood at a street side, waiting for a bus...

     'Hi, Alan. You're here too,' I said to Alan.

     Prince Glenn, 'Yeah. The King and Queen are overseas for business and we couldn't leave him in the castle by himself.'

 Going to a party...

     'Are you okay?' I asked him. Alan lifted his head and forced himself to smile. It's only natural he wants to spend Christmas with his Mother and Father.

     Prince Glenn and Alan will be going to a cabin near Santa after the party.

     We have boarded the Katsuragi's family's private jet and were striking a seam against the clear blue sky. 'The cabin we're going to be staying in has a real fireplace and a Christmas tree. You'll like it, Princess,' Alan said. Then he yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

     I looked at him and asked, 'Do you want to sleep?'

     Next moment, Alan nodded once, twice, three times before falling asleep into my lap.

At the party...

     Alan must have gotten a good rest on the flight as he was now full of energy. He held onto my hand tightly. A moment later, a girl who is Alan's friend came to greet him.

And he ran away from us.

Suddenly, a limousine stopped beside us and the King and Queen stepped out.

 They were worried that Alan would be unhappy, that's why they rushed back after finishing their job.
(Oh, What good parents!*_*)

Alan followed his parents and we went back into the party.

And... Prince Roberto came.

*Heart stabbed*


I was thinking about Prince Glenn. My expression must had been obvious...

'Me too,' I whispered softly.

His phone rang.

The cabin.

The inside were decorated with many Christmas decorations. I ran around, excited.

He emerged from the kitchen.

I spotted some Christmas stocking. 'Will there be presents?'

'A good girl... I'll have you know I'm older than you.'

There was no heater in the bedroom so Prince Glenn and I shared a blanket in the living room.

'It's all right if you want to sleep, Glenn.'

'Haha, if you aren't a good boy and go to sleep, Santa won't come,' I said.

     The next morning. I woke up and looked around, but Prince Glenn was nowhere in sight. I got up and placed my hands over the fire to warm them, when I noticed the cute stocking hanging there. It looked heavier than yesterday, and there was a cute ribbon attached to it. Inside the stocking was a beautiful pair of ivory colored gloves trimmed with fur.

     I went outside and found Prince Glenn building a snowman. 'He looks a bit like you Glenn, in a way.'

'You must be cold.'

     I excused myself and ran into the cabin to obtain his present. I got too excited and started running down the slippery stairs.

Me, 'I thought that since you've been such a good boy, you deserve a present.'

Me, 'Let me get my gloves.'

Prince Glenn, 'Merry Christmas.'


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